Into Legal World 2nd National Seminar on ‘Save Prisoners from Injustice’: Cash Prize 40 thousands

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Into Legal World 2nd National Seminar on ‘Save Prisoners from Injustice’: Cash Prize 40 thousands

Associate Partner:- Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University


The motive is to bring a real change in the life of such victimised prisoners and thereby the attorney will represent such prisoners and their problem on the open podium.

The next step, after this event, would be filing a case with the help of a team of advocates so as to ensure their release.


‘Save Prisoners from Injustice’


* Illegal detention

* Inhumane treatment

* Undue delay in release

* Infrastructure

* Family meeting

* Study materials and other facilities

* Mode of communication

* Indifferent treatment between prisoners

* Sex slave

* Prison environment

* Harassment of family members

* Juvenile jail

* Rehabilitation program

* Reformative Aspects of Criminal Justice System

* International Standards for Treatment of Prisoners

* Laws and it’s implementation against custodial violence

* The problem of overcrowding Prisons

* Right to Speedy Trial

* Social Problem and Juvenile Right

* Undertrial Prisoners

Who can participate?

Academicians, Students, Police Personnel, Experts, NGOs, Think Tanks etc.

Call for Papers

Word Limit- Abstract 250-500 words, Full Paper 4000 – 5000 words.

Font Size – Heading 14, Text 12, Font- Times News Roman, Spacing 1.5, Margin 1.

All references to be mentioned in foot note.

Paper to be submitted in word file to

Note: Considering the nature of the issue raised through the seminar i.e. a humanitarian issue, the selection process has been waived off for paper submission and paper presentation.

However only those papers which fulfill the criteria of selection shall be published with ISSN and ISBN numbers.

Important dates

Submission of Registration Fee and Abstract: 25 September 2018

Acceptance of Abstract: 28 September 2018

Final Submission: 5 October 2018

Presentation: 13 October 2018

(Considering the nature of the issue raised through the seminar I.e, a humanitarian issue, the selection process has been waived off for participation in the seminar)

*Please note that the date for the acceptance if abstract is only for the purpose of selection for publication.*

 “`Selection Procedure for Publication“`

The selection procedure has been laid down only for the purpose of publication in journal.

Step 1:  Acceptance of Abstract for further review of full paper

Step 2:  Review of Full Paper and Final Selection

Step 3:  Declaration of plagiarism and originality of paper

Step 4:  Modification/Correction of by Authors

Step 5:  Approval from Editor-in-Chief

Step 6:  Publication

Registration fees

Student/Research Scholar : ₹ 1000 /-

Academician/Professional : ₹ 1,500 /-

Accommodation will be provided on additional payment of ₹ 1200/-

Note: Registration fee will be used for the This event is for social cause, i.e, to release forsaken prisoners who are illegally victimized in the prison. The registration fee will be used for paying the security money, travelling fee, research and many other cost associated with the project.

Contact Person

For any query or question contact us at 7054644911/8182044727 or write us at

Click Here to more details.

Click Here to Register.

Click Here for suggestion/query/question.


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