Indian Young Lawyers’ & Law Students’ Delegation to Australia & New Zealand (2nd Academic Expedition) : June 02-16, 2018

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Indian Young Lawyers’ & Law Students’ Delegation to Australia & New Zealand (2nd Academic Expedition) : June 02-16, 2018

BSM Legal Advisors & Strategy Consultants LLP is a full fledged global legal advisory & consultancy firm with headquarters in New Delhi, Corporate offices in Bengaluru, Chandigarh & Noida, Regional Offices in Agra, Mumbai & Patiala. I am glad to inform you that recently we have expanded our firm internationally and have set up the Europe Office in The Hague and UK Office in London.
Also, BSM has a separate department which is known as “Legal Education Department” focused on promoting the Global legal education. Through this dept. we work for Indian law Schools/Universities in Educational Capacity Building, Strategic Tie ups,  MOUs, International Conferences and Summer Schools with Foreign Law Schools. International law Schools also opt our services to expand their market in India and get involved in various academic opportunities like conferences, LLM fairs, etc. to cater the Indian students as their prospective candidates for the Masters Program. BSM strongly believes that every Indian Student who has a thought of building his/her career internationally should get an opportunity and this is why we have created a separate department for the legal education. BSM has worked for US, UK & Chinese law Schools in India. 
Academic Expeditions:
At BSM we nurture the students’ perspective and promote academic tourism, gravely required for their education quota. The educational tours and excursions offer a plethora of facilities, knowledge and cultivate students’ ideology towards global education. At BSM we strive to amaze the students with our services which includes cost management, accommodation arrangement, networking opportunities, class room sessions, high level meetings/conferences and above all defining a suitable and worth pursuing academic tour.
We would also like to inform that for the 1st Academic Expedition, a delegation comprised of Young lawyers & Law Students is visiting UK (London, Southampton & Manchester) from Feb 04-18 to be hosted by more than 25 law firms, law schools, bar associations, inns of the court including  diplomatic missions, Inter-Governmental & Governmental organisations, Courts etc. We will also be officially launching “The India-UK Legal Exchange Program” in the House of Lords, UK Parliament.
Indian Young Lawyers’ & Law Students’ Delegation to Australia & New Zealand: 2nd Academic Expedition [June 02-16, 2018]:
This delegation to Australia & New Zealand has been planned to strengthen the Indo – Pacific Legal knowledge exchange and to boost up the interest of young Indian Lawyers/students towards the Asia-Pacific region. The purpose of this academic expedition is to provide Indian law students & graduates an overview of Legal Education & Practice in Australia & New Zealand as well as to make them learn the Legal Environment of Australia & New Zealand which would be helpful for them to build up their career internationally. Similar to the previous expedition to UK, this expedition also aims at helping students in getting Internships, learning best global legal practices, gathering information about LLM (scholarships), to voice their opinions by participating in international dialogues and last but not the least to get them learn the practical knowledge/procedures/steps about how to become a successful lawyer in Australia or New Zealand. This expedition is surely a lifetime opportunity for someone to get a global exposure and to build up his/her profile in the legal field. As a part of this expedition, the delegation will be visiting Melbourne, Canberra & Sydney in Australia and Auckland in New Zealand.
We invite you to apply for this academic expedition. The last date to apply is March 04, 2018.
For more details related to the selection & fees please send an email to or call on +91-9646018272.
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