“Importance of Internship for Law Students at Law Firm” By- Akshita Mathur Seedling School Of Law And Governance, Jaipur National University, Jaipur

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Importance of Internship for Law Students at Law Firm

By- Akshita Mathur

Seedling School Of Law And Governance, Jaipur National University, Jaipur


Internships for law students have become competitive these days. It is necessary for law student to have practical knowledge and an overall development. Also it enhances confidence, communicative skills, leadership quality etc. Therefore it has now become a part of academic curriculum in every University.

For applying to an internship in a law firm, it is important for a student to know his area of interest. For pursuing in the field of corporate sector and gain practical knowlege, one must do maximum intersnships in law firms. Having understood the importance of law firm internships, some colleges have made it mandatory for their students to go for internship under a law firm for a certain period of time. Law firms enables a law student to apply his knowlege in real life and deal with the circumstances of the same. An ideal period for applying in a law firm is one month. some law firms pay the fixed stipend to the interns for their hard work and some do not!

It would be beneficial if the interning is done in law firms from the first year of college itself as it seeks to find the practicality of the subject in the beginning. Moreover, the CV which is an accurate reflection of the candidate also requires maximum internships in law firms in the tenure of the course as the recruitment in companies requires the names of eminent law firms in the CV presented before them.

Importance of Law Firm Internships:

  • It gives a student an opportunity to “audition” a job or a field before taking a permanent position.
  • Students who complete prestigious law firm internships may receive higher salaries when they are hired.
  • These internships may lead directly to a job offer.
  • they build confidence and skills and professional abilities and experience client counselling.
  • Law firm internships builds an entrepreneurial instinct in an intern.

Therefore one must try to build and grow in keeping himself in the atmosphere of legal professionals and get experience and practical knowledge of the field.

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