ICON, ICFAI Law School’s MUN 2018 [Jan 26-28, Hyderabad]: Registrations Open

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ICON, ICFAI Law School’s MUN 2018 [Jan 26-28, Hyderabad]: Registrations Open

ICFAI Law School Hyderabad a constituent unit of the ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education is organising the 3rd Edition of “ICFAI Conference of Nations” (ICON), a three day Model United Nations Conference at our campus in Hyderabad from 26th – 28thJanuary, 2018.

ICON is a series of conferences focused on international cooperation leading to achievement of peace, justice, equality and development. This time ICFAI Conference of Nations 2018 brings to you the following 6 committees:

  1. United Nations Security Council

Agenda: The Arab-Israeli Six Day War of 1967

  1. United Nations Human Rights Council

Agenda: Discussion on the violation of child rights

  1. International Criminal Court

Agenda: Prosecutor vs Muammar Gaddafi

  1. Historical Crisis Committee

Agenda: The Berlin Blockade of 1948

  1. The Indian Lok Sabha

Agenda 1: Inter-State River Water Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 2017

Agenda 2: Reservation Reforms

  1. International Press


Delegate Fee (inclusive of meals, snacks/tea/coffee, delegate kit, entry to any social event, transportation, access to campus facilities)

Individual Registration: INR 1500 (without accommodation) & INR 2300 (with accommodation)

Group/Delegation Registration: INR 1200 (without accommodation) & INR 1800 (with accommodation)


For more information on ICON’18, contact

Faculty In-charge: Prof. Madhuri Irene
Email: madhuriirene@gmail.com
Contact: 9247133349

Secretary General: Nidhi Rao Belman 
Email: secretarygeneral.icon@gmail.com
Contact: 9573691550

For details and updates, visit this Facebook page and join this Facebook group.
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