GLC Contemporary Law Review : Volume 4: Submit by September 30

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GLC Contemporary Law Review : Volume 4: Submit by September 30


The Editorial Board of GLC Contemporary Law Review hereby invites articles/ research papers, case studies, and book reviews for publication in Volume 4 (November 2018 Issue) bearing ISSN Number 2518-8990. It can be an inter-disciplinary study reflecting socio-economic and political ideas or contemporary issues.

It showcases contemporary issues and challenges specific to law, with an inter-disciplinary approach towards assimilating knowledge. It is an endeavour of the journal to become the beacon of legal education by encouraging the synthesis of knowledge and best practices cutting across the academic and research fraternity.

Submission Guidelines

1. Word Limit: Submissions are invited of the research paper (3,000-3,500 words), policy brief/critique (up to 2,000 words), innovative initiative or practice (up to 2,000 words), case studies (up to 2,000 words), and book reviews (up to 1,000 words) excluding the footnotes. However, looking at the quality and depth of research, relaxation may be given and word limit may vary.

2. Entries from all aspects of law whether direct or applied are welcome.

3. Authorship: Entries can be co-authored. However, a maximum of two authors per entry is allowed.

4. Citation Style: The Blue-book Uniform System of Citation (19th edition)

5. The format of Main Text & the Footnotes: The Times New Roman font, in font size 12 is prescribed for all entries. Further, the footnotes shall be in font size 10 and line spacing of 1.5 and 1.0 shall be followed respectively.


GLC Contemporary Law Review operates without any theme. Anything related to Law is acceptable.

Submission Procedure

Entries are to be sent at


30th September 2018 (11:59 pm).

Important Dates

Submission of full paper: 30th September 2018 (11:59 pm)

Peer Review: 1st to 15th October 2018

Communication regarding the acceptance/rejection/revision to the authors: 10th October 2018


For any further queries, kindly mail us your query to

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