First National Essay Competition @ Infinity Law-Tech Educational Services (ILTES). Deadline: 10th August 2018

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First National Essay Competition

Theme: Future of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: Global and National Perspectives


Infinity Law-Tech Educational Services (ILTES)

Last Date of Submission of Entry:

10th August 2018

Registration Fee:

Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only)


Who Can Participate

Students, Research Scholars and Enthusiast in the age group of 18-30 years from the discipline of Law, Technology, Management, Business, Industry and I.T.

Procedure for Participation

Each Participant can send only one self-composed entry typed in the range of 4000-5000 words, in MS Doc and PDF format attached in ZIP file on or before August 10, 2018 at with a copy at

Each Entry must accompany the complete details, contact no, e mail and the name of the institution of the participant, along with the copy of his/her photo identity card.

Each participant must submit the Declaration form to the effect that the Essay submitted is originally written by him/her, and the copyright of the Essay is assigned to Infinity Law -Tech Educational Services.

Each entry must accompany the payment of Registration fees of Rs 500 (Five Hundred) only payable either online or vide Demand Draft in the favor of Infinity Law-Tech Educational Services . (Please refer to the section E for Bank Details)

NOTE: * Those who have already registered for the International Conference need not pay the Registration fees.


All valid and accepted entries will be sent to a panel of jury for evaluation. The jury will submit their evaluation report indicating first, second and winners of the consolation prizes.

The evaluation report of the jury shall be final and binding on all

The result of the Essay Competition will be announced on or before August 30, 2018, and the winners will be notified by mail.

Rewards and Recognition

The first and the second winners shall be paid a cash prize of Rs 5,000 and 3,000 respectively during the International Conference. However, those winners who are unable to attend the Conference will be transferred the Cash prize in their Bank Account. Two consolation Prizes of Rs 1,000 will be paid to the 3 rd and the 4th Winners. In addition to cash prizes, first and second prize winners will be given complimentary pass to attend the International Conference and present their papers. (If the winners of the prize have already registered for the Conference, then, their registration fees will be refunded) All Participants will be given a Certificate of Participation.

For Official Notification, CLICK HERE

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