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Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP) is going to organize the 18th Human Rights Summer School (HRSS) on ‘Human Rights and Women’ in late September, 2017. Carrying forward the legacy of HRSS, ELCOP has initiated efforts for the 18th HRSS Publication. In this connection, ELCOP will publish its ELCOP Yearbook of Human Rights (2017) dedicated to focus on women. In view of the above, ELCOP hereby invites the interested authors to submit manuscripts for the upcoming issue of ELCOP Yearbook of Human Rights (2017). Acceptance of manuscript is subject to peer-review process and editorial discretion. Manuscripts should be between 5,000 and 8000 words (including figures and tables, but excluding the footnotes) and written in English.

We cordially welcome scholarly writings from academicians, practicing lawyers, judges, human rights activist, and NGO activist. We also have a separate section at the end of the journal exclusively reserved for the law students to encourage the young student researchers.


For ages, women have been subjected to discrimination and violence by their male counterparts almost in all societies that today claim themselves as civilized. Even toady, the dignity of woman as a human being, whether in family, workplace, or in community, has not been fully recognized let alone their contributions. Realizing the need to ensure equality between men and women for overall development and welfare of mankind, international community has agreed and installed a number of human rights conventions or treaties that generally and categorically address women’s perspectives.In Bangladesh, political commitments, societal consciousness, religious viewpoints, economic realities seem to be at odds when it comes to the issue of human rights of women despite fact that Bangladesh is not only a party to a number of human rights treaties that address rights of women, but also the Constitution of Bangladesh enjoin on the government to make special provision, adopt special measures in favour of women. Therefore, the aim of the 18th HRSS would be to provide a springboard for discussing and debating conventional and contemporary issues challenging the protection of women’s rights vis-à-vis human rights.In the light of the above, the interested authors may consider the following areas for writing:

 Women’s Rights and Personal Law.

 Feminine Jurisprudence, Human Rights and Gender-Biased Legislation.

 Preventing discrimination, exploitation, and abuse of Women migrant’s workers.

 Religion and Women Rights.

 Trafficking in Women and Protection Mechanism.

 Role of NGOs (Global/Regional/Local) in Protection of Women Rights.

 Women’s Economic Security and Rights.

 Judicial Activism and Women Empowerment.

 Can Laws Protect Women’s Rights Successfully?

 Embryo Ethics and Women’s Rights.

 Surrogacy and Women’s Rights.

 Reproductive Technologies and Rights of Women.

 Development vs. Women’s Rights.

 Women’s Rights in Cyberspace.

 The impact of proposed Child Marriage Restraint Act, 2014 on Women’s rights and its

social and economic implication on Women’s rights

 Women as a victim of rape during armed conflicts/The case of

Bangladesh/Vietnam/Sierra Leone/Congo.

 Women as a target of religious extremism/radicalism

 Women as a target of “honour killing”

 The “Birangonas” -War heroines or war victims?

 Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR): Case Study of Bangladesh and


 Participation of Women in Development and Justice Process

 Presentation of Women in Media: Regulatory Mechanisms of the States

 Legal Aid Services to Combat Violence Against Women in Slums

 Position of Women in Informal Labour Sector: Domestic and International Legal


 Poverty and Women in Post-MDGs World: Realization of SDGs for the Empowerment

of Women

 Supreme Court of Bangladesh’s Decision in Fatwa and Sexual Harassment Cases

 Women in Legal Profession: Bangladesh Scenario

 Intersectionality and its impact on women’s empowerment.

 Abortion as human right: international and Bangladesh perspective.

 Defining women’s right ignoring or overemphasizing cultural context: dangers and


 Legal feminism, feminism and patriarchy.

 Hegemony and dominance in law making.

 Constitutionality and family law: how the connection is vital for women’s rights.

 Revisiting women in Bangladesh: why having three female leaders of parliament don’t help.

Battered women’s syndrome and other domestic violence issues: the unspoken issues in Bangladesh.

 Revisiting polygamy in Islam: Are we interpreting correctly?

Presentation and Style Information

The authors are requested to follow the Oxford Referencing Style (OSCOLA), which can be

downloaded from internet


f). Footnotes should be collated at the bottom of each page. Footnotes indicating title of the

manuscript and name/affiliation of the author should be designated as *, † etc. Footnotes to the text should be designated numerically, such as 1, 2, 3 etc.


It is a condition of ELCOP Publications that authors’ grant an exclusive license to ELCOP

permitting it to reproduce and/or disseminate the author’s contribution or elements of it (e.g. abstract). In signing the license the authors retain the right to use their own material and we request that ELCOP Publication is acknowledged as the original place of publication.

Submission Rules

The ELCOP Yearbook of Human Rights requires exclusive submissions. All submissions should be accompanied by a statement that the material is not under consideration elsewhere, and that it has not been published or is not pending publication elsewhere.

Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts in electronic form (in word format) as an email attachment to hrssarticlesubmission@gmail.com. The subject of your e-mail should be as follows: Name of the author, title of the manuscript.

Deadline: The deadline for submitting your manuscript is 30th June, 2017.

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