Call for thoughts: Symposium: “Law – not merely a career”

Call for thoughts: Symposium: “Law – not merely a career”


Human Hands Together is organizing its first one day Symposium on “Law – not merely a career” to be held on 16th September 2018 at Innovative Institute of Law, Greater Noida in collaboration with District Legal Services Authority, Gautam Budh Nagar, Panacea Legal and Legal Desire.

Concept Note:

The purpose of creating Law was not to generate an income rather it had a wider aim. Through the past and in the present it is known for its infinite scope with a tendency of an affirmative acceleration. It was the need of every society, for the development, that the “Rule of Law” came into existence.

When we look at India, we have as many as Thirty Eight Thousand codified laws; this is in addition to the numerous Constitutional Court’s Judgments. Each legislation and each law as declared by the Apex court has its specific objective. The Judiciary had been created to provide justice to victims but it was not the idea of  Law” to wait for a crime to happen and then for the Judiciary to act upon it.

Since its inception “Law” is considered to be a noble profession. It is a moral duty of every person to stand against the injustices and to extend a helping hand to someone needy rather than to wait for something unjust to happen to them.

This Symposium is designed to address the young lawyers to the basic ideology and sociology of “law” and to encourage them into questioning how they can help in building a Society as envisioned by our Constitutional forefathers and the Freedom fighters. For the future lawyers, it is very important to enshrine these values in them to secure the basic structure of this Country.

Registration Process:

Registration is open and a participant must first fill out online registration form available at The Symposium is limited to 120 participants. The confirmation email will be sent to the participants individually.

Registration Fee:

The registration fee for the Symposium is Rs 200 per participant which has to be paid along with the Registration Form. Each Participant will be provided Certificate, Kit and Refreshment.

Call for thoughts:

In order to facilitate various participants to show their writing and thinking skills, we are calling for the “thoughts” from the participants of the Symposium. Participants can write their own though, view or idea on the theme “Law – not merely a career”.


  • A participant who has successfully registered for the Symposium can participate in the “Call for thoughts” contest.
  • The total words for the thought shall not be less than 150 and not in any case exceed to 250 words.
  • No though shall contain any footnote, it shall be the participant’s own view.
  • The work submitted shall be original and unpublished. Plagiarism of any kind is not tolerable and would lead to immediate rejection.
  • Co-authorship is not allowed.
  • The thought should be submitted in only MS Word Format.
  • The thought should be emailed to with subject “Submission of Thought”
  • A thought shall be submitted on or before 5thSeptember 2018.
  • An acknowledgement mail shall be sent to the participant within 24 hours of the submission of the thought.

Please note that:

  • Best 15 thoughts shall be published in the Conference Proceedings and the participant will receive a hard copy of the same.
  • The authors of the best 3 thoughts shall be offered a free Legal Desire Online Workshop on Legal Drafting worth Rs 2000/- available at
  • The result of the same shall be disclosed on the valedictory session of the Symposium.
  • No entry shall be accepted after 5th September 2018.

Bank Account Details:

Paytm Wallet: 7289047979
UPI: symposium@paytm
Bank Account No.: 545502010007951
IFSC: UBIN0554553


Innovative Institute of Law, Greater Noida

Download the Brochure from here
Website link:


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