Call for Papers: RMLNLU International Conference on Challenges and Prospects of ADR [Jan 19-21, Lucknow]: Submit by Nov 15

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Call for Papers: RMLNLU International Conference on Challenges and Prospects of ADR [Jan 19-21, Lucknow]: Submit by Nov 15









The proposed conference seeks for participation of scholars in the area of arbitration, conciliation, mediation & other forms of ADR, both from within and outside India.

The seminar is broadly based on the subject of “The Challenges and Prospects of Arbitration and other forms of ADR in India” which is sub-divided into five sub-themes which will be focusing on the specific issues under the broad topic.

All the research papers submitted within the deadline shall be evaluated by the Editorial Board and amongst those, only the Authors whose papers have been shortlisted after evaluation shall be allowed to register and present their papers in the Conference.

Amongst the papers that are presented in the conference, only a select few shall be eligible for publication in the journal of the conference.

About the Seminar

Original unpublished research papers are invited from the participants on the theme “The Challenges and Prospects of Arbitration and other forms of ADR in India” and related areas of the sub-themes mentioned below:

Challenges of Commercial Arbitration in India

Role of the Mediation in the Dispute Resolution

Conciliation as an ADR mechanism

Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism: Prospects and Challenges in India

Lok Adalat and other existent dispute resolution mechanism: Growth and Contemporary Challenges.

Submission Guidelines

The research papers should apply research skills and use of appropriate Research Methodology. It should have proper research questions and should also reflect the findings.


Maximum of 250 words indicating the theme, proposed research and five keywords.

Last date for submission of Abstract is 23:59 of 15th November, 2017 (IST).

Research Paper

It should not be more than 8000 words.

It must be typed in Times New Roman Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1”margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing using MS word application.

Footnotes should follow ILI standard of footnoting. Endnotes are not allowed.

It is to be noted that co-authorship is allowed to a maximum of two authors per research paper.

At the end of the paper, there should be a brief profile of the author with Email ID, contact number and address.


Last date for submission of full-length paper is 23:59 of 20th December, 2017 (IST).


All abstract and paper submissions are to be mailed at


The registration fee for the authors/co-authors who shall be shortlisted for presenting their papers in the conference shall be as follows:

For Faculty and Professionals

Single Authorship- Rs.2000/-

Co-Authorship- Rs.4000/-

For Students and Research Scholars

Single Authorship- Rs.1000/-

Co-Authorship- Rs.2000/-

The registration fee is inclusive of food for the delegates for all the three days of the conference


Accommodation shall be given to a limited number of delegates on first come first serve basis.

Participants who are Faculty and Professionals are required to arrange for their respective accommodation. However, the Organizing Committee would facilitate in identifying the Hotels for the same while the payment has to be made by these participants.

Important Dates

15th November: Last date for Abstract Submission.

20th November: Approved Abstract Notification.

20th December: Last date for submission of complete Research Paper.

5th January: Notification of the papers shortlisted for presentation.

13th January: Last date for payment.

For further details, click HERE.
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