Call for Papers: “Dehradun Law Review” A Journal of Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University. (UGC Approved Journal) Deadline: July 31, 2019.

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Call for Papers: “Dehradun Law Review” A Journal of Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University.

(UGC Approved Journal)

Deadline: July 31, 2019.

About Law College Dehradun

Law Review Dehradun, a law journal of Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University an offshoot of Uttaranchal University, is a sincere platonic endeavor to explore new horizons of Legal Knowledge. Retrospectively, our intellectual journey which began in 2002 with the establishment of Law College Dehradun reached its practical zenith with the ultimate formation of Uttaranchal University constituted with the merger of Law College Dehradun and its sister concerns UIT and UIM vide the Uttaranchal University Act, 2012 passed by the legislative assembly of Uttarakhand. Hence the journal appears to be an exquisite example of academic symphony with the evolution of Uttaranchal University both as a concept and concrete reality.

About the Journal

The journal received the ISSN number in 2011 which contained the lead presentation by Hon’ble Mr. Justice A. R. Laxmanan, the then Chairman of Law Commission of India. The journal ‘Dehradun Law Review’ further added feathers to its cap when its fifth and sixth volumes were released by the then Hon’ble Governor of Uttarakhand Dr. Aziz Quereshi and the then Chief Minister of Uttarakhand Mr. Harish Rawat respectively. It has received appreciation from across the legal spectrum of the country and abroad. Legal luminaries and intellectuals from reputed national and international universities have contributed articles to the journal providing valuable insights into various legal issues in the contemporary scenario. The Editorial Board of Dehradun Law Review is committed to constantly upgrade the quality of journal and incessantly continues to propel itself to accomplish its well cherished objective to become a reputed, refereed and peer reviewed journal benefitting the law students plus academicians in particular and society in general.

We are also proud to state that this Journal is approved by University Grants Commission (UGC).

Submission Guidelines:

Word Limits- The prescribed word limits for the submission of articles/research papers is 5000-6000 words including footnotes. The articles/research papers must accompany an abstract in about 150- 200 words along with a declaration that the article/research paper has not been published or sent for publication elsewhere.

Authorship- Entries can be co-authored. However, a maximum of two authors per entry is allowed. Entries from all aspects of law whether direct or applied are welcome.


Please send original, unpublished papers to


All submissions must be made on or before 11:59 p.m., July 31, 2019.

For Official notification, CLICK HERE


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