4th National Law University Odisha International Maritime Arbitration Moot Court Competition (31 March– April, 2017)

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4th National Law University Odisha International Maritime Arbitration Moot Court Competition

(31 March–  April, 2017)


NLUO IMAM holds the distinction of being the first international maritime law moot in India with a special focus on international commercial arbitration, a subject specifically chosen not only to encourage intellectual discourse in this field but also to bring it in harmony with the stature of the state of Odisha, being the hub of maritime activities and operations.


The online registration has to be completed by March 1st, 2017. Details for payment of registration fess shall be communicated to teams after their registration


All requests for clarifications to the Moot Proposition must be e-mailed to imam@nluo.ac.in by February 20th, 2017. No requests for clarification shall be made directly to the drafters of the problem for the Competition. Any attempt made to approach the drafters of the problem, for any reason whatsoever, shall lead to immediate disqualification.


The winner of the Final Round will be declared the “Winning Team”, while the losing finalists will be declared the “Runners-Up”. The Team with the highest total memorial score will be awarded the “Best Memorial” award. The “Best Oralist” award shall be determined on the basis of the cumulative points secured by a speaker in the Preliminary Rounds. To be eligible for the “Best Oralist Award”, a speaker must have argued in both the Preliminary Rounds.

  • The Winning team shall be awarded a trophy and cash prize of Rs. 25,000/-,
  • Runners-up shall be awarded a trophy and cash prize of Rs. 15,000/-,
  • the Best Memorial shall be awarded atrophy and cash prize of Rs. 6,000/-
  • and the Best Oralist shall be awarded a trophy and cash prize of Rs. 5,000/-.


  • 7 February, 2017 Release of the moot proposition
  • 20 January, 2017 Commencement of registration
  • 30 January, 2017 Last date for provisional registration
  • 20 February, 2017 Last date for seeking clarifications to the moot proposition
  • 1 March, 2017 Last date of registration
  • 18 March, 2017 Last date for submission of soft copy of the memorials
  • 31 March – 2 April, 2017 4th International Maritime Arbitration Moot Court Competition, 2017


Abhishek Toppo Convenor, The Moot Society National Law University Odisha +91 7873221292

Akshay Bhatia Treasurer, The Moot Society National Law University Odisha +91 9818366389

Pragya Prakash Co-Convenor, The Moot Society National Law University Odisha +91 8763009125

Kushagra Goyal Secretary, The Moot Society National Law University Odisha +91 9439474413


For Moot Proposition, CLICK HERE  

For Rules & Regulations, CLICK HERE  

For Full Information visit Website, CLICK HERE  




LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.

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