4th Legal Services Forum @ GNLU, Gandhinagar [March 21-22]: Register by Feb 16

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4th Legal Services Forum @ GNLU, Gandhinagar

[March 21-22]:

Register by Feb 16

About GNLU

The Gujarat National Law University is a National Law University established under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003 in the state of Gujarat. The university is located at Gandhinagar, which is the capital of Gujarat and is located 23 kilometres north of the city of Ahmedabad.

About the Event

The GNLU Legal Services Forum is the annual flagship event organized by the Legal Services Committee under the aegis of the Centre for Law and Society. It aims to facilitate deliberation, collaboration and contribution by Legal Aid Committees of law schools, NGOs, PLVs and Legal Services

Authority across India to achieve the objective of providing free and competent legal services to the underprivileged by sharing their unique experiences.

The 4th edition of the GLSF organized in collaboration with UNICEF shall witness a series of lectures by various experts, lawyers, academicians and professionals on effective community engagement to bring about positive societal change. This series of lectures will be followed by deliberation on impediments faced in providing legal aid, the objective of this deliberation will be to come up with a road map to improve legal aid mechanism.

The methodology followed in the sessions will be more practical-oriented so as to groom law students and young lawyers to take up more pro bono cases and engage actively in community engagement exercises. The underlying idea of the GLSF is to enable students, PLVs to understand nuances of civic engagement and apprising them about practical realities faced while providing legal aid.

Registration Details

Students, faculty members, academicians and legal services committees or legal aid clinics are eligible to take part in the Forum.

Legal services committees and legal aid clinics may nominate two representatives for the Forum. Individual participation is also allowed.

Register by filling the following form: HERE

Payment Details

Registration fee (inclusive of accommodation) is as follows:

For LSC/LAC: Rs. 2,000

For Individuals: Rs. 1,500

A link for payment of the registration fee will be emailed to the participants upon registration through the above mentioned google form.

About the Grant

The 4th GLSF will also witness project presentations by legal aid clinics competing for the “GNLU Legal Services Funding Grant”. The GNLU Legal Services Funding Grant is a first of its kind initiative by an Indian University. Established in the 3rd GLSF, it seeks to honour and support impactful and meaningful social-legal initiatives by Legal Services Committees (LSC)/ Legal Aid Clinics (LAC) in law schools across India. The Grant aims to nurture legal aid clinics engaging in effective legal aid work across law universities in India.

For more details of the grant, please click on the following URLHERE


Registration closes on February 16, 2020.

For the brochure, click here.

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